Tag Archives: anna karina

Band of Outsiders


Band of Outsiders, 1964
(Bande à part)
dir. Jean-Luc Godard
Starring: Anna Karina, Claude Brasseur, Daniele Girard

I’ve always had a bit of a bittersweet relationship with the whole Nouvelle Vague movement. It captivated me when I was in high school…something about super symbolic, old French films just had me hooked. I enjoyed films like Une femme est une femme, A bout de soufflé, Pierrot le fou, and Qui êtes-vous, Polly Maggoo?, but after those, none really held my interest. I’m almost at a point where I watch them just to see Anna Karina be lovely or say lovely things.

Luckily, in Band of Outsiders, there was still a plot that I could follow without having to bore myself with finding the deep meaning. Karina plays Odile, a young woman who meets two men, Franz and Arthur, in an English class. One she reveals that she has access to a large amount of money kept in her house, Franz and Arthur pressure and use Odile to burgle their way to some quick cash.

Interesting plot, but unfortunately, I felt very unfulfilled at the end. Perhaps I am elderly in the Nouvelle Vague movement, and simply past the point in which I care to pay attention. I don’t know whether I’m lazy or if they’re all starting to sound the same for me, but my interest is totally lost with this type of film, and the plots don’t seem to be enough to captivate me like they once did.

Favorite thing: Anna Karina, lovely as always.

Worst thing: Godard narrating. I’ve somehow grown to hate that voice. Shun me.

Should you watch it? You probably should since it’s a classic and I’m an ignorant sourpuss.